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This one page business template is from DEYA YouTube Video (Link : https://youtu.be/ekpA_Ya1DCg?si=VRkYgvIZT8vmkgil) .
Special thanks to her for this template 💖. Definitely check out her page you’ll learn a lot about business.( Her YT channel name: Deya)
Step 1: Is this idea Worthwhile?
1 Person
Your business needs to be about your customer, not you. Be empathetic
Who is your one person? Name a specific real person you know.
What do they deeply(beyond the surface level stuff) want out of life? What does success look and feel like to them?
What is keeping them from that ideal picture-perfect life? What are they stuck on?
What are their biggest pain points in relation to this?
[ ] Do I truly understand this person
1 Problem
Your business needs to fix a clear, specific and frustrating problem.
What is the one big problem your person is facing that you can realistically solve?
Is this problem specifics enough? What does this problem feel like, look like, and sound like?
How big of a problem is it on a scale of 1-10? 1 being ‘minor annoyance’ and 10 being ‘keeps them up till 2 am’.
IS this problem worth paying $$$ to solve? Can your person afford to pay for the solution?
How does your person describe this problem in their own words?
How passionate are you about solving this problem on a scale of 1-10?
[ ] Is this a big enough problem
1 Product
Your business needs a remarkable product, it is the foundation.
What is the offer? What’s included?
How well does the offer solve the problem on a scale of 1-10?
Is this product remarkable? If not, how can you make it remarkable? How can you make this a no-brainer offer?
What is the value-add for the person? List out 4-5 potential USPs.
What are 3 ways you will validate this idea before committing?
What is the initial price range of your product?(You can increase it later)
What are potential objections and hesitations to this product offer? How can you address them?
What are competitive products on the market? How does this offer compare? Why would someone pick this over the other options?
[ ] Do I have clear USPs & validation tactics?
Step 2: Your simplified sales funnel